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Cake Smash!

Little Ms. Adelyn is turning one in a couple of weeks so we were thrilled mommy & daddy brought her to the studio. You only turn one once so she devoured her cake and even shared a little with her daddy! Adelyn is such a joy to photograph and I cant thank Gabby & Brandon for enough for bringing her back for a second shoot 🙂



New, new, & new!

This year 2011 brings many new changes for Dena Vineyard Photography starting with this blog!! New website, blog, pricing, packages, products, options, ect. there are so many new things going on its a little crazy around here. I do hope you will visit the links at the top of the page to view the website, online booking, and the facebook page. Im excited to get this new year started and couldnt be more excited to meet new clients!

Meet Sydnee

Since the later park of last week I have been photographing Miss Sydnee. She beared the cold weather like none other! Downtown Chattanooga, TN was our choice of location for the two days and I have to say its one of my favorite places to hold a photo session. Sydnee is an established model & actor so these images are for her portfolio but I have to say, with that bathing suit image, I dont think she needs anymore. LOL! So all the shots you see here today are taken in 30 degree weather…yes, every shot 🙂

Its Picture Day @ the Vineyard’s house!

Today I finally got to take pictures of my lil man Zayden!! Im super stoked about that but do you ever get the urge to do something different with your photos? Today, my guilty pleasure was vintage and key lime pie!! I cant deny I love vintage but after reviewing his images I thought these screamed creamy colored, old & textured…VINTAGE! Anyway I cannot wait to have this printed and display it in all its beauty. I may be a little biased but hey, im blessed with a gorgeous little boy 🙂

Name Boards

Name Boards are my favorite product to make! Clients love them and its really cool to have these for each year 🙂 You really get to see how the features change throughout there growth. Custom desinged and beautiful pictures make for a great heirloom to have, love, and treasure for many years to come.

My new Niece

Kayleigh Belle was born September 25th on her great grandfathers birthday! She is such a beautiful little girl and a joy to everyone 🙂 Six weeks later we finally got to do pictures of her and I think they turned out absolutely gorgeous but with a subject like her it made my job super easy…enjoy 🙂

Siblings, babies, & family outings

The last two weeks have been so much fun, I have shot (photographed) babies, sisters, and family outings to Amicalola Deer Park & Amicalola State Park. Doing all this with a broke wrist has been hard and trying at times but you can never stop or put down what you love to do, which for me is photography and spending time with my family. Enjoy the photos of the beautiful children and animals 🙂

Hurry to Walgreens!!

Today consisted of a mini session with Kim, we had fun around this little ole town they call Chatsworth. We got some great shots and the day ended with a trip to Walgreen’s for some benadryll. How was I suppose to know the grass would make her itch so bad lol. Yes, I had her laying in the grass and I didn’t even like the outcome of the shot…LMBO!

Sizing Guide

We all know that size doesn’t matter… or does it?

Maybe it doesn’t matter. I am here to tell you, though, that when it comes to portraits on your wall, sizes need to be used in such a way that they create a presence on your wall.
This can be done in several ways — one way is to purchase a large print right off the bat. An 11×14, you ask? No. 11x14s are TINY!! A single, large print on the wall should be no less than a 16×20 in size. Even at that, some wall spaces make the 16×20 look like a grain of sand. Another way to ensure that you’re utilizing your wall space is to create a collage of images in various sizes. Combine some 20x30s, 8x10s, and 10x20s for an amazing focal point in your living room.
How do you know where to start? Easy! Look at these images of a standard-sized couch with some typical image sizes hanging above them. We’ll start with an 8×10, one of the most popular print sizes available.

Wow. That’s… small! All my life I grew up thinking that an 8×10 was huge. Why do we think that? It’s not even a foot long on either side! A single 8×10 image would get absolutely swallowed on the wall, even if you have a very small living space.
Now let’s try to beef up the 8×10… Just for curiosity’s sake, how many 8x10s would it take to cover the length of a standard couch?

EIGHT 8x10s!? Wow! Honestly, when I was putting together this little “project”, I didn’t expect these kinds of visuals! I can definitely tell from the first image to the second one that if I’m planning on using smaller wall prints, I need to have several of them to create a “feel” to the wall space rather than slapping a picture on the wall and being done with it.

For your viewing pleasure, here are some other individual prints versus collages to mull over:

I know that large sizes can be intimidating, but clearly small sizes can be the ones intimidated — by all of the furniture in your living room!!
When planning your photo session, ask yourself why you are getting these portraits done. Is it to share new images with family & friends? Is it to replace some old portraits on the wall? What kind of statement do you want these portraits to make? If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask!! I would be more than happy to look at your living area and help you choose the sizes that are best for you.
But please, if you order an 8×10… don’t leave it alone and lonely on the wall!! He may get scared up there by himself.
Thank you Danielle McCann for this awesome guide 🙂


Such a Sweet Face

Little Olivia was so content the whole photoshoot, I couldnt ask for a more beautiful little girl 🙂 Ive done a beautiful vintage edit with a great texture to make her eyes stand out a bit more. This is one of my most favorite pictures right now!

I have a great niece!

My nephew and his fiance had there little girl Kayleigh Belle saturday night which happened to be its great grandfathers birthday too! She is a beautiful and healthy little girl and I coult not wait to get some snapshots of her. Her newborn session is to come very soon. A couple of hospital room shots later, we have a birth announcement 🙂

Why Hire Me?

First, I’d like to thank my good friend Nicole Sadowski for this idea. In this day and age, acess to a “nice camera” is fairly easy. Hundreds of people pick up a DSLR and call themselves a photographer with no knowledge or experience. All you have to do is Google “photographers in (insert city/region here)” and you will see what I mean. So how do you set apart the amatuers from the professionals? It’s not always price. It’s their work. Look through the galleries and compare side by side the quality. In an amatuer’s work, you will see lackluster colors, flash shadows and overall poor quality of work.

For example. Here is a before and after of a photo I took. The before is something you might see from an amatuer, a good enough photo, but lacking the “wow factor.” It’s also hard to find the photographer’s “style.” It just looks unfinished. The after is the final product I produced and its someting im proud to put my name on. Which one would you rather spend you hard earned money on?

There are thousands of extremely talented professionals out there with different styles ranging from bold colors to black and whites to vintage edits. The main question you need to ask yourself is: “Is this worth the money or could I do this with my Paint program in 2 minutes?”

My Ball!

Today, we took a break from working and went down to the pool 🙂 Of course Zayden being extremely happy, we just swam and giggled the whole time. Zayden got to play with his beach ball for the first time, who knew a $1.50 toy could make a child so happy? He is obsessed with balls so I should have figured, right? Other kids came and went and do you believe he wouldnt share it for one second? Looks like were going to have to work on that one, ya think?

What kind of Camera do you use?

I get this question all the time because people always think you have to have a really expensive camera to get awesome results although a nice camera gives you more control and options. The reality to this is you dont have to have the most expensive camera. Having one with manual settings is the secret 🙂 Of course you need to know about lighting, exposure, shutter speeds, ect. I myself, have a great camera and I love to play around in photoshop thus how I get my end results. Having your settings right on your camera is the first important step, then photoshop is a breeze!

The top image is straight out of camera & the bottom is edited in photoshop

Are there any honest people left?

I find myself asking that question all the time, this morning I was awaken by a phone call from Regions Bank in Chatsworth telling me that my bank card was returned to them. Saturday night I gave my husband my card to pay for dinner and it apparently fell out of his pocket in the parking lot. Whoever returned it, I greatly appreciate you for it. With the way the world is today I immediately thought “oh my gosh! I wonder if someone used it?” It wasnt used 🙂 Its so refreshing to hear there ARE still good people around us 🙂

I for one got a better outlook on my day with this news. I hope it puts a smile on your face too 🙂

Greg & Heather :)

So who doesnt love a maternity session? Sunday was the day to shoot some belly pics, Greg & Heather were fun as always and we got to explore a couple of new places in Chatsworth that we’ve never been to before. Its crazy to say that because Chatsworth is such a small town lol.

Lets see that belly!!

Cancelled Swim Day :(

We got to the pool & seen it was closed for maintenance. This broke Zayden’s heart! He gave the look of “what do we do now mommy?” I felt so bad so I chased him around the field for about an hour. He was all smiles and giggles by that point 🙂

Playdate :)

Today Zayden will have his first playdate with Wesley! Im excited to see how he interacts with him. Now my child is not known to be the greatest sharer with things lol. Im sure today will be great but getting Zayden to leave the park will be brutal. He already pitched his fit once today about leaving the park! Anyways Ill post a picture of them playing together hopefully. We all know Zayden never looks at the camera. Update later 🙂

Mr. Wesley

Last weekend was Mr. Wesley’s mini shoot 🙂 He is such an adorable kid & he reminds me so much of my son Zayden. This was my second time meeting him and we had a blast. His mother is a new friend of mine down here in Conyers. I cant say enough great things about her so I knew Wesley was going to be a joy to photograph 🙂

Its almost been a year since I have updated this blog, my apologies. I have had a lot of new things happen in my life, we currently live in Conyers, Ga now. My husband has decided to further his education with mortuary school, it has been his passion for quite sometime now. He has been working in that field for several years. This decision has moved us down here from Chatsworth, GA. Its so different from small town America lol. I have landed myself a job at a local studio for the time being or at least until we move back up north. I have met some great people and experienced alot of fun things thus far 🙂 Life is good!

Urban / Rustic Shoot

This is what I call an Urban Rustic Shoot, Tyler’s in a band and we live in a small country town so this what we made of it! It was so much fun and we’ve planned another session at a later date for all the band members. He loves them too!

Holly Creek

Holly Creek
Originally uploaded by Dena Faye

I have finally tried this water technique (slow shutter speed) and I love it! This has to be my favorite nature shot :)</

Im always up for a photoshoot of Zayden, so we went to the spillway again and let him crawl around on some nice grass. He didnt know what to think about stuff sticking to his hands…lol

My younger brother came to me wanting new pictures for his myspace, I thought it was funny but hey I can use the practice so I agreed. We went looking for a cool place that would be appropriate for a male’s picture. We came across the Damn (Spillway) at Carters Lake (Chatsworth, GA) it was a nice day and we had a lot of fun. Here are a few of my favorites!