Sizing Guide

We all know that size doesn’t matter… or does it?

Maybe it doesn’t matter. I am here to tell you, though, that when it comes to portraits on your wall, sizes need to be used in such a way that they create a presence on your wall.
This can be done in several ways — one way is to purchase a large print right off the bat. An 11×14, you ask? No. 11x14s are TINY!! A single, large print on the wall should be no less than a 16×20 in size. Even at that, some wall spaces make the 16×20 look like a grain of sand. Another way to ensure that you’re utilizing your wall space is to create a collage of images in various sizes. Combine some 20x30s, 8x10s, and 10x20s for an amazing focal point in your living room.
How do you know where to start? Easy! Look at these images of a standard-sized couch with some typical image sizes hanging above them. We’ll start with an 8×10, one of the most popular print sizes available.

Wow. That’s… small! All my life I grew up thinking that an 8×10 was huge. Why do we think that? It’s not even a foot long on either side! A single 8×10 image would get absolutely swallowed on the wall, even if you have a very small living space.
Now let’s try to beef up the 8×10… Just for curiosity’s sake, how many 8x10s would it take to cover the length of a standard couch?

EIGHT 8x10s!? Wow! Honestly, when I was putting together this little “project”, I didn’t expect these kinds of visuals! I can definitely tell from the first image to the second one that if I’m planning on using smaller wall prints, I need to have several of them to create a “feel” to the wall space rather than slapping a picture on the wall and being done with it.

For your viewing pleasure, here are some other individual prints versus collages to mull over:

I know that large sizes can be intimidating, but clearly small sizes can be the ones intimidated — by all of the furniture in your living room!!
When planning your photo session, ask yourself why you are getting these portraits done. Is it to share new images with family & friends? Is it to replace some old portraits on the wall? What kind of statement do you want these portraits to make? If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask!! I would be more than happy to look at your living area and help you choose the sizes that are best for you.
But please, if you order an 8×10… don’t leave it alone and lonely on the wall!! He may get scared up there by himself.
Thank you Danielle McCann for this awesome guide 🙂


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